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It is observed from the elastic properties measurements that these compounds are ductile, anisotropic, and mechanically stable.

Elastic parameters, such as anisotropic factor, bulk modulus, elastic constants, Pugh's ratio, and Poisson's ratio, are predicted. The crystals are very hygroscopic and gradually disintegrate at ambient conditions. It readily dissolves in water with the maximum solubility increasing from 1865 g/L at 20 C to 2705 g/L at 100 C. It will react with water even at temperatures as low as 116 C. It is the least electronegative element and is extremely reactive and even pyrophoric. It has a very low melting point of 28 C, meaning it can be a liquid at near room temperature or if held in one's hand. The obtained optimized lattice parameters are found to agree with available experimental and other theoretical data. Caesium chloride is colorless in the form of large crystals and white when powdered. Physical Caesium is a soft alkali metal, silvery-gold in color.